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Friday, August 14, 2015

Christ And Culture - Series

Understanding And Responding to the Culture
Randy Roper

First message in "Christ & Culture" series.
The men of Issachar understood the times and knew what Israel should do (1 Chron. 12:32). The Church today would be well-served to understand the times so we can know what to do to engage our culture for the cause of Christ.

“Responding to Governing Authorities”
Josh Kingcade

Josh has served the Memorial Road church in Edmond as Education Minister since June 2008. He earned his B.A. and M.Div. at OC, where he has also served as an adjunct instructor, teaching courses primarily in Old Testament and ministry. He is currently enrolled in a Doctor of Educational Ministry program at Columbia Theological Seminary. Josh is interested in Christian education and formation, and enjoys exploring different ways to effectively form disciples of Jesus Christ. Josh is married to Aubrey (daughter of Mark and Nancy Stansberry), and they have three children: Mariah, Jayden, and Myles.

Marriage And Sexual Ethics
Randy Roper

In many ways, our culture has written its own rules when it comes to love, marriage and sex. But as believers, we acknowledge God's design when it comes to these important areas of life.   

The Voice of the Culture (Media)
Jeremie Beller

How does the prevailing culture try to shape ideas and worldviews? The voice of the culture is media. How should the Church respond to the 'voice' of our culture?

Christ and Culture Panel Discussion
Josh, Kingcade, Jeremie Beller, and Randy Roper

Guest speakers in the special series discuss relevant topics and practical implications of Christ and culture.

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