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Monday, December 21, 2015

Gifts From Above #7

The Gift of Encouragement and Hope
by  Kevin Rayner
Hope and encouragement are gifts given to us by God and meant to be passed on to others. 

Joy To The World #3

Our Gift & Guide - Philippians 2
by  Randy Roper
The Incarnation--Jesus becoming flesh and dwelling among us--is the world's greatest gift in life, but it is also our greatest guide for life.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Gifts From Above #6

The Gift of Peace
by  Kent Risley
One of the most wonderful gifts God has provided us is a peace "that passes understanding." 

Joy To The World #2

To Live Is Christ - Philippians 1
by  Phil Sanders
Are you looking for reasons to have joy? In the first chapter of Philippians, Paul gives us plenty of great reasons to be joyful. He also gives us a perspective on what it means to live and die in Christ.Message by Phil Sanders, In Search of the Lord's Way

Monday, December 07, 2015

Joy To The World #1

Rejoice in The Lord - Philippians 4
by  Kent Risley
First message in series on Philippians entitled "Joy to the World." Looking at chapter four, the last chapter in Philippians, this message sets the tone for the series: rejoicing.

Gifts From Above #5

The Gift of The Holy Spirit
by  Randy Roper
One of the greatest, yet most misunderstood and neglected, gifts from God is the Holy Spirit. We read about the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible, but we rarely embrace His power working in our own lives. How do we know if we have the Spirit?