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Sunday, November 20, 2011

11-20-11 The Giving Christian -4- Give Prayer = John 17:1-25

The Giving Christian - Give Prayer
John 17:1-25

Christians have the privilege of intercession prayer -- pray on behalf of others.
James 5:16

How You Can Pray for Others -- Apply.
John 17:1-25
Pray that others ...
… may know God. Vs. 3

… may be protected by God. Vs. 11, 15

… will have true joy. Vs. 13

… will be spiritually dedicated. Vs. 19

… will be spiritually fruitful. Vs. 20

… will experience true unity in Christ. Vs. 21-23; Ephesians 4:3

Reflect On This Thought:
Intercessory prayer is a gift in the truest sense, because the blessing and benefit is focused on the recipient, not the one praying. It moves is out of the realm of personal interest and into specific concern for specific people.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11-13-11 The Giving Christian -3- Give Resources = Mark 12:41-44

The Giving Christian -- Give Resources
Mark 12:41-44

The "Giving" Heart

Our money & all our resources don't belong to us.
Psalm 24:1

How To Give

  • Give Faithfully
  • Give Gracefully
  • Give Proportionally
  • Give Sacrificially
  • Give Globally

Sunday, November 06, 2011

11-6-11 The Giving Christian -2- Give Service = Matthew 20:28

The Giving Christian - Give Service
Matthew 20:24-28

Be A Server
             Jesus is a server.
             Early Christians were servers.

Give Help
             Be Aware
             Be Tough
             Be Tender
             Be Intentional

Give Service
Ephesians 4:9-32

Give Service through Prayer.
Pray that others may know God.
Pray that others may be protected by God.
Pray that others will have true joy.
Pray that others will be spiritually dedicated.
Pray that others will be spiritually fruitful.
Pray that we will all experience true unity in Christ.